Tuesday, October 11, 2011

All Locked Up

Illegalities and Delinquency

I found this passage very interesting and it brought up many different points that I have often wondered about.  I have personally always believed that putting people into prison is not doing anything towards solving the problem at hand.  Although it is a form of punishment, I don't believe the majority will be any better off once they get out.  If we, as tax payers, are paying for these people to be taken care of while they are in confinement they should all be put to work and learn how to function in society.  I do realize that some of these criminals have mental illnesses that are difficult are work with, but for the most part we could be making these people's lives better.  This would make them more useful in society rather than hindrances.

The concept that prisoners were forced to carry around passports that explain their wrong doing when they left prison is a good idea in theory, but it was setting them up for failure.  If I were at a company looking to hire a new employee, seeing this passport would certainly deter me from wanting to have that person on my team.  I think if we ever want these people to have a positive influence on others, we need to set them up with the right tools to keep them out of the prison system.

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